Already at Day 7!
The focus of this challenge for me has been, "What's a step I can take toward healthier living?" I had already been doing yoga sequences for over 100 days (still keeping it up! last night was 108) and felt the need for something new. I decided on a small food goal (eat raw in the mornings) and a small exercise goal (work on getting my glutes stronger to help my IT band). Right off the bat, it didn't really feel challenging enough and now that I'm on day 7, I have to say: it isn't.
One thing has been that the past few days, I have not been very hungry in the morning, which is unusual for me. Yesterday morning, I ate a banana. That was it. The morning before? I drank a glass of orange juice and ate half a banana. Having raw mornings has therefore been very easy BUT it's not actually helping me improve my intake of fruits and veggies because once the morning is done, I don't necessarily eat much in terms of fruits and veggies. The exercise part, I'm feeling the effects so that's all good, but the food...
This is my challenge today: Figure out a wording, a limit, something. Do I aim to just eat as much fruits and veggies as I can all day long? Do I say that I need to start every "eating session" with a fruit or veggie? Today's a super busy day for me, so figuring this out will be a challenge! As might actually remembering to do my exercises: had I not checked in last night and seen that my challenge wasn't just the raw food but also the exercises, I think I would have forgotten. lol
If you'd like to have your own challenge but didn't start the same day I did, that's totally fine--why don't you join me today? What's just one thing you could do each day to help you be healthier and/or fitter by Christmas?
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