My daughter and I went wheat-free a couple of weeks back. Part of me kept saying that some of the emotional stress she was experiencing was due to wheat/gluten: the happiest I'd seen her in a long time had been our gluten-free stint a little bit before Christmas. I told her I wanted her to at least try wheat-free, that I would do it with her because I do better wheat-free, too, and she went along with it.
We have not completely eliminated gluten, but it is sounding like we might have to. She said she has days where her stomach area is flat--which doesn't happen ever when she eats wheat--but some days, it's not flat, even if she hasn't eaten wheat, like last night. She did, however, have some wheat-free, but not gluten-free, items yesterday, which is why we may have to look at going entirely gluten-free. Admittedly, we haven't been 100% gluten-free: we had take-out last Friday (do you know how hard it is to have gf take-out that isn't just salad or fries??) and a family get-together on Sunday where we decided we weren't going to push things just yet. (It's already an issue that there have to be dairy-free options available for me.) She had a sleepover within the first week and we scrapped the wheat-free focus for that evening, too.
In any case, this time around, she is STARVING. We could say, "Oh, she's a growing teenager," but it coincided so much with going wheat-free that I'm thinking it could be related. Have any readers experienced this?
I looked it up online and found both sides: one where the kids were ravenous while eating gluten but fine when not and others where people had an insatiable hunger when they went gluten-free. One thing has suggested that it has to do with the glycemic index of foods, that going gluten-free usually means adopting a high-glycemic diet. I don't know if that's true, but I'm looking into it!
Here's one book I've found in my research but our local library doesn't have it, so it could be a bit before I can share anything about it (click on it to see Amazon's info):
put a request for other low GI books to see what kind of information I can get and see if it seems to be applying to her situation.
Another issue: eczema. She has developed two patches of eczema since going wheat-free. Part of my mind is going, "Um, shouldn't it be the other way around? Eczema
disappears when you go wheat-free?" But then my mind's turning to other possibilities: her body is detoxing; her body is reacting to the wheat she's cheating with; um, well, just those two possibilities have come to mind. :P
In any case, while wheat may be affecting her emotions, so is feeling starved! Gotta figure this out. I don't think she's been taking a multivitamin consistently lately, which may be necessary as we keep working on getting her switched to a more balanced, but wheat/gluten-free diet. Perhaps enzymes, too?